Reading About Writing

Recently, I’ve read two books on writing: “2k to 10k” by Rachel Aaron and “Bird by Bird” by Anne Lamott. I am glad that I’ve read them in that order. Rachel Aaron shows you how to write good stuff, shows you how to take everything step by step and how to get unstuck, plus some easy ways to edit your work. Gold advice, I say. Anne Lamott’s book says about the same things, but in a more subtle and emotional way. However, is just as good book as the other one because you can relate to other writers. It comforts you to know that not all writers write as easy as Rachel, even she was deep in despair before she discovered the way of writing. It’s not just you who can’t put down an idea or even if you manage to write something, it’s not that good. Knowing only that, lifts your spirit till the space stations and say hello to the astronauts. One book talks mostly about the struggles of being a writer and the other gives simple solutions to those struggles. Personally, it helped me that I read the one before the other, because otherwise I would give up writing. I have a lot of emotional struggles and being an emotional wreck writer is not what I wanted. Rachel Aaron showed me that is possible to be a happy writer and writing is simple if you know what you’re gonna write. Anne Lamott showed me that not all writers are as happy as Rachel Aaron and is ok to get stuck and advises you to take it easy, step by step, which in combination with Aaron’s advice, gives me hope.

I started reading books about writing because I wanted to write good blog posts. Awhile ago, I vented my frustration about not being able to put my thoughts in words and even if I manage to squeeze out an idea, the way I write depresses me. I wouldn’t read a blog written the way I wrote mine. Now, I want to write other stuff too. I don’t want to scare myself with plans for a novel, but I would be happy if I could write short stories. Beside good blog, short stories seem like a nice thing to accomplish. As far as I learned about writing is that I don’t have to write from the start as the experienced writers do. Chances are that even most of those writers didn’t write those articles in one go, they probably edited them several times before posting. So, all I have to do is to jot down ideas, images, thoughts that fly into my mind, without worrying that they don’t make much sense. After I’ve put down everything, try to figure out how to connect them, or maybe what to leave out too. Not everything must go in one place. That’s it. Take it easy on myself. Writers are people with things to say. Good writers are just people who figured out the best way to say it. The good news is, good writing is achievable, it just requires practice and patience.

I hope this is my last post on the subject of writing, tips about writing are not the things I have to say, although I understand people who feel the need to share them. It’s just exciting  to discover that what felt as scary as climbing a steep rock is not that difficult to do after all if you have the right equipment and you want to share with the world your discoveries because you want to help other people out there that may be in tough situation too.

I mentioned briefly in my previous post that I decided to become a writer. I am a bit scared of talking about it because I don’t want to jinx it. I have experience in being excited about something and telling people about my dreams and plans, only to have them crushed by those well-meaning people. That’s how the Reality Checkers post came out. Though, I still remain true to my decision to keep plans to myself in real life.